Archive for January, 2010

Why I’m not buying stock in Adobe

If I had money to buy stock, that is. Daring Fireball posted this interesting article today, all about why Apple and Flash don’t play nicely together. At my office we’ve spent a bit of the past year discussing whether to do our interactive visualizations in Flash or Javascript (e.g. Flot, Protovis, or my new favorite, jqPlot). Amusingly, one of the assumptions of the article is the ubiquity of Flash on the web, while our discussions here have revolved around the problem of “what do we do for users who don’t have Flash installed?” Just one more way in which the scientific community has a different set of requirements than the general public.

Things to improve a cold morning

Good tea, good music, and my cinema display back from Apple with a new logic board. Happiness!
